SaaS: SkunkWorks as a Service

Breaking Through Conventional Boundaries with Tailored Solutions

noun - Also skunk works, skunk·works [skuhngk-wurks] . Slang. an often secret experimental laboratory or facility for producing innovative products, as in the computer or aerospace field.

Originating from Lockheed Martin's advanced development programs, the term 'SkunkWorks' represents a group tasked with working on unconventional and innovative projects with the agility and speed not found in traditional teams. At TDY, our SkunkWorks as a Service embodies this spirit of innovation to tackle your unique business challenges. With a blend of creative problem-solving and technical expertise, we craft tailored solutions that drive real results, propelling your business beyond conventional boundaries.

Holistic Problem-Solving

We approach issues with a holistic lens, devoid of emotion, focusing solely on delivering results. This broad perspective ensures that our solutions are not only effective but also fiscally responsible, aligning with all aspects of a positive outcome.

Client-Centric Solutions

Our objective is to identify and implement the best available solutions, even if it falls outside our primary expertise. If necessary, we collaborate with external parties to ensure that the solution delivered is the most effective and appropriate for the problem at hand.

Empowering Your Team

We engage with your team members, training them to break through previous decision-making biases. Through this transformative process, they learn to draft, craft, and post-mortem their own solutions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Enhanced Performance & Savings

SkunkWorks cultivates better-performing teams and generates compounding cost savings by solving critical roadblocks. The solutions often pay for themselves, delivering a return on investment that contributes to your business's overall financial health.

Common Business Issues We See

In the daily operations of any business, routine tasks can consume an inordinate amount of time and energy, often leading to a stagnation in growth and innovation. At, we believe that the key to unlocking the full potential of your workforce is through the optimization and automation of these routine processes. Our goal is to transform your day-to-day operations by creating smart, streamlined processes that enhance efficiency and free up your team to focus on tasks that drive value and strategic impact.

Our process improvement services include:

  • Task Analysis and Process Mapping: We conduct a thorough analysis of routine tasks to identify bottlenecks and redundancies. By mapping out processes, we can pinpoint areas ripe for improvement or automation.
  • Custom Automation Solutions: Leveraging the latest in automation technology, we design custom solutions that take over repetitive tasks, from data entry to complex analytical workflows, ensuring precision and consistency.
  • Continuous Process Optimization: The business landscape is ever-changing, and so are the processes that drive it. We implement feedback loops for continuous monitoring and optimization of processes, ensuring they remain efficient and aligned with your business objectives.
  • Employee Empowerment: By automating mundane tasks, we empower your employees to engage with their work in more meaningful ways, fostering innovation and improving job satisfaction. This not only enhances output but also boosts the performance and competitive edge of your organization, regardless of size.

Through our process creation and improvement strategies, doesn't just automate tasks—we re-engineer your workflows to be smarter and more efficient, so your human talent can focus on creative problem-solving and growth-oriented activities. This approach not only elevates individual performance but also propels the entire organization forward.

What do these issues have in common?

Often, the most persistent business challenges are those that remain unresolved, not due to a lack of effort, but because of proximity to the problem. Teams entrenched in daily operations may lack the necessary detachment to identify the root of an issue. They may also be missing critical expertise in deploying sustainable solutions, or they might feel unsupported in initiating transformative changes.

How does tdy help resolve these issues?

As an external partner, we bring a fresh perspective, free from the emotional investments that can cloud judgment. Our team has the specialized knowledge to design and implement long-term solutions across a variety of business needs. More importantly, we navigate the political landscapes of organizations with neutrality, sidestepping the common pitfalls that often undermine internal change management.

Why choose tdy?

At, we start with a clean slate for each challenge, ensuring solutions are uniquely yours. Our initial step is deep listening—to truly understand your business nuances. Our agility in exploring new and proven solutions alike sets us apart. Choose for a partnership that’s committed to pioneering strategies for your sustained success.